Work is the so the major suck today. Getting pulled in every direstion possible and it's dtiving me insane. Too much on my plate and just not enough time!!! Interview yesterday wasn't even really an interview, more of a meeting with the new boss. I pretty much got the leftovers of him since I didn't get to meet him until 6:00 and he had been interviewing for a few hours already. However he didn't seem so enthused. He was more impressed with the fact that I filled out an inane part of the application than with any of my skills or experience. Think it may be time to move on soon but I guess I'll have to wait and see if there are any new opportunities with the new company.
On to happier news, Momma's friend is in from FL (with her kids) for the weekend. Her children are buds with my sister so it's pretty cool to have them here. They moved a few months ago and they're happy to be visiting. The only downer is the fact that I've got a bunch of muchkins running around for the next few days making a mess and causing a ruckus.
Weekend should be quiet again, looking forward to it. Things seem to be working well so far, pretty excited.
Whole discussion regarding people last weekend proved to be very refreshing, now I know that I'm not the only one in the world that has those old fashioned "morals and values", I'm not the only one that thinks games and lies and baby h.s. sh*t are the suck. We'll see how it pans out though. ;)
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Saturday, April 23, 2005
So, don't feel very well today. Woke up yesterday with the worst earache I've ever had, a whole lot of not funness going on there. Took some advil and antibiotics, didn't help for about an hour or so. Same thing this morning. It's all good though, advil is my friend and got some more meds from the boss man. Yay for working for a doctor :)
Thankful that I had a fairly quiet, yet very nice evening. Movie may have uber sucked, but the company made up for it.
Lol, speaking of last night, I so don't want to get sis is making me feel like i'm aging a lot faster than she did before. She registered he first car yesterday and that makes me sad. She's going to be able to drive her own ass everywhere now, no more me schlepping her everywhere :( Oh well, saving on gas is a plus.
Monday, April 18, 2005
Did you ever get just so incredibly frustrated that you can't even rant about it!!!! Didn't think it was possible, but alas, it is. The on ly thing I have to say today is that people should really assess certain situations and then decide who they actually have the valididty to be angry with.
Friday, April 15, 2005
Your wise quote is: "Be kind to unkind people,
they probably need it the most" by
Ashleigh Brilliant.
You try to look beyond apperance, try to give
people second chances and are probably very
kind. Understanding is your biggest personality
trait, and thoose you can see through should be
grateful. If they aren't already. You detest
narrow minded people, because they can't see
what's really there. Facades is not your thing
and you strive to always be who you really are.
What wise quote fits you?(pics) UPDATED
brought to you by Quizilla
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Not a good day today. Stuck in the office again for the entire day. Tonight doesn't look so good either. Going to dinner with WB (from here on in this is what this person will be named, if you want to know just ask). WB is so going to catch a earful tonight. Being fed up is not a fun feeling and not fair all at the same time.
So, I'll tell you my story from this morning. Met this guy on saturday. Went to the city with my chick, met this guy, exchanged #'s. The dude called me no less than 5 times between the hours of 4a.m. and 6:30 a.m. That should have been my first clue, anyway I agreed to go to a movie on sunday then the dude left me a message that he couldn't make it. Oh well, didn't bother me or anything, I was actually kind of glad since I had a few cocktails the night before and shouldn't have given him my # anyway, but hey, everyone makes mistakes. Anyway, I never called him back so....5a.m. this morning my f*ing phone starts ringing!!! I'm half comatosed because I was sleeping, duh!!! What are the majority of people doing on a thursday morning at 5a.m.????? He was wondering why I hadn't called him back from sunday!!! Did I mention that IT WAS 5 A.M.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Soooo not a happy camper today, and I had even gone to be a little early last night because I know WB is going to drainany type of energy I have left in me tonight, not looking forward to it. I'm starting to think I have a neon sign over my head, or maybe a comic strip bubble..... I think it goes something like this...."Give me your tierd, your poor, your losers, your whiners, your men who can't commit and don't know what they want...." The End.
Monday, April 11, 2005

Yeah, so not feeling so great lately. Physically I'm fine, mentally not doing so well. It's almost blow up time...this is how it works....I let things slide and I selectively forget that a lot of things happen...then it all bum rushes me at once and I freak out, blow up, let everything I've let build up come out in one big jumble of messiness. I know it's not such a good way of dealing but hey, it's my way.
My gripe today...somtimes I look at people and wonder what they really care about, why some people are so selfish and self-centered, why some people don't realize what they have and why they want what they can't have. Why some people ignore situations they get themselves into, or try to verify/weasle out of the situations they are in. What kind of people are really in the world today?!?!?!
Last night I went to see someone that I really had no urge to see. Had something they needed so I really didn't have any other option aside from the U.S. postal service(which would have been a better idea in my eyes). Haven't really spoke to this person as of late, and there are so many things that need to be said, yet at the same time it would be pointless to say a word because the only thing it would do is get it off my mind for a little while. Getting it off my mind was precisely what I wanted to do a very short time ago, when it was all still fresh, when thinking about it didn't make me numb, it just stung a little. These things were undoubtedly expressed to this person as something I needed to discuss with them. Got so blown off...not so much blown off as bull-sh*tted, or maybe forgotten about. Like I said, haven't talked to this person really, I get there and they want to have a little small talk like nothing ever happened, as if I never expressed that there were things that needed to be discussed. I don't think so!!!, But the way I make a sitch like that work is I leave without saying a word. Leave with all the sh*t on my mind and put it on the back burner. To each his own I person ignores it by making small talk, and the other runs away. Good stuff.
I've gotten to the point that I wish I could turn that part of myself off at certain points in time because it leaves so much room for me to forget about myself.
I definitely need a Cindo Remote.

Backspace or rewind button definitely required for this girl. If I could rewind the past 2 years I think I'd be ok.
Friday, April 08, 2005
Jeez, haven't blogged in about a week, no big though. Not much to report as of this time anyway. Big goings on at work, suppposed merger with another company. We've been told that no one is going to be losing their jobs but we will be under new management. We'll see how this all spans out next week I guess.
Not really sure what else to blog about at this point. Too much personal stuff that I'm so not willing to share right now. Funny note though, got a call from a weird # the other day. Called it back, ended up being a misdial by someone. Got another call from the same # about 2 hours later, ended up recognizing the voice after a little convo. It was an ex that I haven't talked to in well over a year. The excuse for calling the first time so could have been a valid one if he hadn't called back the second time. Then he tells me to give him a call sometime if I'm not busy?!?!?! Gimme a break, you start seeing me, ditch me and go back to your fiancee' and then call me a year later, so not someone I need to be "giving a call if I have some time" or "stopping by to see sometime". Like I don't have enough problems in this department, I need an ex to be popping back around! Take the record off repeat....take the record off repeat....take the record off repeat......maybe it'll sink in.
I talk a lot to one of the women here at work, she's kind of my voice of reason during the day. We gossip about our lives a lot of the time, so she knows a lot about all the bull that I'm usually going through. She might even know a little mor than some of my closest friends do. She says that I have an old-fashioned mentality when it comes to relationships and dating. Granted I do have values, morals and standards on the subject, but seriously, there's only so much I can let slide anymore. Is it really too much to ask to be able to find someone that I get along wonderfully with who wants a relationship after a sufficient amount of time? Not someone who's "testing the water" , "Doesn't know what they want right now", someone who wants a "friends with benefits" type of deal or someone so engrossed with work that the forget the person they're seeing is even around? I thought I had a good idea on what this dating thing was all about, I didn't think it was about screwing around and dating numerous people until you find one to settle with. When I was younger I always thought it would be a story, something memorable, maybe a little bit of a fantasy....guess the only fantasy going on is the one in my's probably about time to get that checked anyway!
Even my work buddy doesn't understand how I find every guy in god's creation who 1. Can't commit 2. Sleeps around 3. Cheats 4. Complains about life constantly 5. Doesn't want to grow up 6. Lies on a regular basis (yes, omissions count as lies in my book). I wonder sometimes myself. Maybe it means that the more sh*t I go through the better things will work out for me later on in life. Hope that's the case. Then again, maybe it's just all guys in general, not just the ones I meet/reconnect with. I think that may really be the case, there really aren't any good guys out there anymore. Even the males I associate with on a non-relationship level are jerks too. They cheat and lie, not only to their friends and people they may be "seeing" but to themselves as well and that's sad.
Ok, I've bitched enough for one session, I'm sure there's more in this head of mine, but I'm done...spent...don't want to bother with it anymore. Any of it.