Grr, weekend's over. Back to work again. Had a good long weekend though. Left work on thursday and went straight to ac to meet the momma and my sister. So happy for her, her company won 3 golds for their routines. Got lost on the way there and that was fun. I've done it before and forget every time that I have to get off @ exit 38 and not 38A. Oh well, went 20 minutes out of the way, almost ended up in Philly but I turned around. Went to the boardwalk with all the kids and the moms. Talked to cm for a little bit, got me thinking of goig beack to Vegas next month provided that the airfare works out. Watched the kids go on the rides over and over and over and over again. Seriously I think they went on the same ride or 8 times in a row. They went on a ride called "disco". Looked pretty freaky, it was a bowl that alid on a u shaped track while it spun in circles. The way they had to sit was facing outward. My sister started crying, poor egg. She got over it though. Then one of the girls got sick on the tilt-a-whirl, so could not have been fun for her but she was a trooper and it didn't stop her from going on the rest of the rides. I think it was the spinnyness that got her, but she was fine. Got back to the hotel (yay Showboat) and my aunt offered to have me sleep in the suite that her mother in law had for the weekend rather than cramming into my mom's room. I agreed and it was fabulous. Her m-i-l is a diamond club member so she gets everything comped. Yay for comps too! It was a 2 room suite, so there was a master bedroom, a full master bathroom with jacuzzi, a 1/2 bathroom, living room, dining area, a balcony that wrapped around the 2 outside corners of the suite, and another room with 2 beds and another full bathroom. Such a nice place to stay in. Anyhoo, went to the casino around 1:00, dragged the momma with me. Nan, my aunt and her m-i-l came too. Mom went to bed around 3, Nan stayed until 3:30 and I staye dup with my aunt and the m-i-l till 7:30 in the morning. Lost some money in roulette after sitting next to a stinky guy, eww. Cindo was a sleepy girl on friday, got u p at 10:30 to room service, tee hee! Left ac around 4 and got home by 6. Tried to take a nap, didn't work so well so went to the movies with pg. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, uber cute. Some little things that the kids won't get, overall I thougt it was good. Might consider going to see it again. Saturday went to a surprise party for a little while, surprise for me b/c when I got there the b-day boy was already passed out. Hung out with the girls for a while. They're fun, just gossipy. They want to go out to see the nerds sometime. Have to see when they're playing again. After the party I went and hung out with an old friend of mine, don't know if hanging out with him too often is going to be a good thing. He and his friends are just into stuff that I'm not all that interested in. He's fun to talk to and all, I just think we have differnces in extra curricular activities. Yesterday was d&d day. Went to the mall to buy dice with mb & mgb. Did some quizzno's, went back to mb's house, played till about 11 b/c mc had to go home, had work in the morning and needed a good night's sleep. Yeah, ooook, this coming from Mr. "I've gone 72 hours without any sleep", and now a full 8 hours is needed? It was somewhat clear that people had their own unverbalized ideas about it, and seemed to be digging for a little info, but hey, to each his own. Maybe he was really just tired. ~~Insert chuckle here~~ So, testosterone levels were at a high last night, ther was some arguing going on about silly things within the game. I was thinking about how girls argue, and what they argue about in comparison to them last night and I just couldn't think of anything. I didn't realize it would get that competitive but apparently it can, and it's bound to happen again. After d&d we palyed spades again. Not cut-throat spades, which apparently doesn't exist. It was jailhouse spades... mgb and I swear they said cut-throat last week, both of us can't be that nuts. Whatever, it was fun. Overall had a really good weekend but alas, all good things must come to an end. At least I get away with my boss not being in today. Good stuff!
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