Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Mmm, Tuesday. I don't like it, it means three more days at work. Not that I mind work, just what goes on here lately. It's just a bundle of not fun and mass confusion, mixed in with some short handedness which makes for uber busy days. I've been really tired lately too, even with the occasional short weeks. Thinking of taking off a day later in the week to see the little sis in competition though. Yay a.c. I wasn't going to go, buy hey, I have the days saved up so why not use them? Everyone else does so I think I'm entitled. Weekend wasn't so busy, kept it low key again...in on friday, work & crazy Adam Sandler night on saturday, D&D on sunday. And again yesterday, along with cut-throat spades. It goes a little faster, and the passing of cards is involved which helps because there's less of a chance of me making a dumb move (tee hee), along with it being a little more laid back/non-competitive last night. Had fun with pg on saturday, just a girls night sitting around watching movies. She made dinner which I must say was fabulous. pgb ate with us then actually went to bed. That made me a little sad, he's a lot of fun and major silliness goes on when he's around. So we just stayed up and gabbed, ate junk food and had a few beers, and gabbed some more. I should have just stayed over but I ended up going home pretty late. When I got home I tried opening the door (which was locked and usually never is)and my key got stuck. So the dog starts barking, wakes the whole house up and mom finally got up and let me in. That was fun stuff. I don't know what's up with that puppa lately but she's been barking like crazy. She barked at mb and mgb the other day too. I just don't get it. Anyhoo, think I might make a few phone calls, talk to some people I haven't spoken to. I don't really feel too much like going home tonight, but at the same time I do. Been missing some buds of mine, but apparently my funk is not over yet. ~~CAUTION: YOU ARE ABOUT TO ENTER A SMALL RANTING SESSION~~ I've been sort of unsociable with some and I think I've had a bad case of low tolerance for certain things too. There comes a point where I just get tired of dealing with the same crap all the time, over and over. The things that are said, the way they react to situations, the way that things are spoken about and even the behavior of certain people irritate me much more easily now. The attitudes, secretiveness and childishness get really old really fast lately, and I simply lose patience. I just don't have the heart to listen to opinions of what I should/shouldn't do, who I should/shouldn't talk to and why, be blatantly lied to or to keep up with h.s. jokes that just aren't funny anymore. Grrr, this turned into a mini ranting session. I'm done now. Eh, guess I could have used it. Yay for venting.


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