Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Ok, said I would write about the flight home..so here it is. First off, checkout was at 11:00, had to fight with the hotel to allow me to check out at 12 instead, any later and they would carge me $45.00. So now I have to wait for the shuttle bus to pick me up at 1:20 for a 4:00 flight. Helped out this woman who was traveling alone with her 3 year old daughter and 2 gigundo suitcases in tow. Poor thing...her holding the kid's hand was a little more important than me sitting around doing nothing, so I hepled her with one of the bags until we checked them at the airport. Weird that we were on the same airline, but anyways...check-in, pick my seat, Emergency escape window. I guess I was feeling the good samaratin deal after helping that woman, plus it's more leg room. I actually didn't realize how much leg room there was in the row, I felt like a big kid, and the door kept making noise as we took off so that was freakin' me out a little. Thus begins the torture of my flight home. Shortly after take off I realize there are about 7 guido-meatheads being uber obnixious and loud. Then came the baby 5 rows back who continuously cried through the entire flight. Next up...of course the token 300lb man whjo no doubt is sitting behind me and feels the need to get up to "adjust himself" around every half-hour. Sitting next to him was his daughter who had her game boy volume on high. You should all experience how much fun that is. Then we have the lady sitting a seat apart from me that was very nice, but felt the need to offer me something every 5 minutes(i.e. gum, candy, magazines, cinnamon rolls, tissues, thought she would offer me her soul or her first born next.) And of course there was finally the turbulance from the storms we were going through. I must say that it was fabulous to watch though, took some video of the lightning in the clouds. Digital cameras rock, but the battery life is the suck. So, that was all in all the worst experience I have ever had on a plane.

On to better news, spent a pretty quiet weekend. Went to the movies then to a spot that used to really good on Fridays. Now it kinda sucks. Had a few drinks, another bud came down for a bit then we called it a night. Went to work on Saturday, wasn't so bad...not a single screamer which I was thankful for. And also thankful that they didn't stick me with a new girl. My Deb is staying on Saturdays for the summer. So glad. Saturday was kind of a waste, nowhere to go. Didn;t want to go too far at first and by the time we realized, once again, that Staten Island suck, it was too late to go anywhere else. Stopped at a few places on the island anyway though, First place was dead so we left, 2nd was full of old men so we didn't go in.WEnt to yet another place, saw a guy I used to work with, he was acting like a tard so we left there to go to another place that a friend was bartending at. Yeah, so not paying as much as they wanted to get into a dirtbag place on the island at 2 a.m. So we resorted back to the first place for the remaining 2 hours of the evening. Sunday was Daddy's day, spent it with my dad, and at my grandparent's house (usual BBQ thing). Pop's not looking so hot lately and it's pretty scary. He's lost a lot of weight and had lost most of his appetite. The rest of the fam is doing well though. So I did the family thing then went to mb's for some friend time. Missed those guys, I didn't really see them for like a week before I left for Sin City. So I thought we were going to do the usual spades thing but we ended up doing characters for d&d. I was in shock about it since I've always had the impression that chicks don't play d&d...that it was mainly a guy thing and that there are strict and weird unwritten rules about chicks playing. I've watched a few times but was never asked to play. It's super cool that mb asked mgb and myself to join...though mc wasn't so very excited about it. Think he just exaggerates his dislike of us playing though, and there's so much to learn an understand that I'm sure it's a pain in the arse to explain to those of us who don't know anything about it whatsoever. Anyway, glad to join them in it, should be tons of fun.

Carpal tunnel is beckoning....must go type now.


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