KK, so there's this guy at work that won't leave me alone. He's hitting on me and it's soooo not working. I get all the winners arouns this place!! For those of you who already know, I'm not talking about the "cd guy". This is a whole new one. This one is missing teeth! Good stuff. So we have the whole violation of privacy thing going on. Fridays are really crazy in the office, all of my salespeople come in and I pretty much run around the office all day. A few fridays ago I left my cell on my desk. Big mistake, the dude went into my office and called his cell from mine, now he's got my # and calls me at random intervals while I'm at work. Told him he needs to not do that anymore, we'll see if it works. I so need to find a new job, maybe one where there are decent people that I wouldn't mind hitting on me. Aside from the other really gross people that work here. I mean really, my boss is thinking of instituting a hygiene class due to the way some of these people smell. It's uber gross, thank god I have my own office and don't have to deal with them all day! It's so nice to just close the door! Honestly, can't you smell yourself if you're getting a little funky? I'd hate to see what some of these people live like at home. Grossness! Eew, I'm grossing myself out now.
Going to dinner with a freind tomorrow night. This chick needs to get out more, she's into the whole "I spend every waking moment with my bf" phase. She spends all this time with him and then complains that she never goes out anymore...then when invited out she declines or just doesn't call back. We've all been there, we've all done it at one point or another but c'mon...learn from others already. We had done it to eachother a long time ago and vowed (when we started hanging out again) that we would never ditch eachother for a guy again. Oh well, it happens, she'll get over it eventually.
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Grr, I'm mad at myself. Told myself that I would start eating more healthy this week. I've been doing well but I caved when the made popcorn at work today. Oh well, It's not gonna kill me.
Had another good weekend. I actually stayed home on friday night. I was sooooo beat from the bar crawl on thursday that there was just no way I was doing anything or going anywhere. I just went home and went to sleep. Had work on saturday morning anyway. Then it was on to the culture club for the evening. Met a few people there that we didn't expect to be there. A little blast from the past was fun. Saw someone that I thought may have fallen off the face of the earth. The whole guise for the evening was for my chick-e to go out and have a good time...mission accomplished. We danced, had a few cocktails, went for brewkfast and just had a really great time. Sunday was a lazy day as usual. Woke up pretty early considering the time that I got home. Hung around, did some laundry, started Pride & Prejudice, Went out for some cold stone, and then went for a ride for a little bit. Had another good day.
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Another day at work proven to be not so bad. Had things to do today that kept me uber busy, then found out that I get to do a bar crawl for St. Patty's Day!! Yay!!! They're so much fun! Get to go to a bunch of different places (via limo with the big bosses), Drink green beer ane have corned beef all day, and still get paid for it. Got a little hottie joining us from Pabst too. Tee Hee. The only bummer is that I have to take 2 people into the city from the office and leave my car for the day, but the Co. is picking up any parking expenses I incur and even gave me the location of the closest lot to leave it in. They said if I'm trashed after this whole drink fest that I can just leave it and pick it up the next day! LOL!! That's pretty rockin' but I wouldn't do it. Should be a pretty good day though. We'll see how it goes.
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Back again...work is so not on my list of things I want to do today. I just had so much to do yesterday I think I burnt myself out al ittle bit, aside from the hour and 45 minute commute this morning, that was uber fun. Talk about a case of nintendo butt. Not much to do here today anyway, the boss man is out at meetings all day which means he's not here to annoy me with trivial bs. I don't think I really have much to write about today, but I'll give it a go anyway. Im sure I can find something to talk about. I'll start with the trip I guess, it was fun. Like I said, we could have done more than we did but we just got lazy I think. It's fine all the same though, I appreciated vegging out for a few days. Had an awesome time with my buddy, we talked a lot and learned things about eachother, asked opinions on things going on in both of our lives. It's refreshing talking to him sometimes b/c he tells it like it is, no b.s., no sugar coating. But where some of the topics discussed would have ended up in an argument with some people, we just seem to have the kind of friendship where we can discuss things an not get pissed at eachother. We give eachother our opinions and constructive criticisms and let the other do what they must at their own discretion, just as it should be. It's pretty rockin.
So, I'm back at the "Old lady with the cats" deal again. I really don't understand the opposite sex. I've just about lost all faith. Went out over the weekend with a few friends and really analyzed people's actions and how they react in certain situations. It's amazing how people can put on such a facade when put in an awkward situation. Then again, others are just totally up front in what they think is going on but you really know they're hiding something. I think it's totally time for me to reevaluate the "dating/seeing someone" aspect of my life. My problem is that when I finally get a set plan of what I want to do or what I want to say to someone, I just totally chicken out. Either I chicken out, or the other person's views seem to make more sense than my own. I've got to learn to stick to my guns. Need to get this girl some cojones.

Kk, think I'm done for now, might be back later.
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
So, we did the whole KY thing, had a lot of fun. Started out at 6am and stopped in York PA, saw where my friends lived when they were in college, and had Texas Hot Dogs. Good stuff, we will be making these at home in the near future. Stopped in every welcomecenter we could, the guy in Maryland was very nice but obviously didn't like people from New York, and guess what, neither do the police there! I took over the driving when we got into MD and not even 15 minutes in I get pulled over. I was doing 7 mph over the posted speed limit, got away with a warning since we weren't doing anything detrimentally wrong, and went on our merry way, cautiously watching the speedometer from then on. Was shortly introduced to Sheetz MTO Food. Good stuff too. Sheetz is like an uber 7 Eleven that has touch screens to order your food. Pretty rockin. Only stopped other wise to use the b-rooms but we made good time, got there around 8ish. Got to our room, which was fabulous, had a super huge jet powered bath. This thing was so huge that a kid could actually swim in it if they wanted to. I stayed in there for 2 hours on friday...soooo goood. mmm white mocha, huge bathtub and good tunes on the radio, what else could I have asked for on a friday morning??
We went to a bourbon distillery the first day we were there, and now I know why bourbon is bourbon and not whiskey. This place was amazing, I never knew all the stages of making bourbon and the fact that there are different ways to distill it. Wish I had brought my good camera, I could have got some really great shots in the warhouse and of the copper distilling pots they use. Passed dozens of horse farms on the way there. Met my friend's friend which was really cool. He's a total riot and I had a lot of fun talking to him and hanging out. To be quite honest though, we could have done a lot more than we actually did in KY. I think we just got lazy, and we both got a little bummed due to things going on at home that were beyond our control.
Ughhh!!! Have to work, will write more later.