Stopping in for a short blog. Had a pretty good weekend, nothing uber eventful as per usual, but all in all still a good weekend. Went out with the girlies on Friday after a sucky day at work. First two place we went were the suck, third place was better. band stunk a little but we still had fun. Saturday was quiet, I had work and stayed out on Friday a little later than expected so I was sleepy for most of the day. Had dinner for grandfather's b-day, it was good to see the family for a bit. Sunday was a day of sleeping and laundry...then on to game night. I've come to enjoy spending time with new people once in a while, there's always room for more friends. I usually don't get a long well with persons of the female persuasion, but these girls are a lot of fun to hang out with. One of them I think I relate a lot to, I've spoken to her at length and we seem to have a lot of the same values and views on certain things regarding people we know and the way that things go within our group of aquaintences. She's pretty rockin'.
Anyway, heard about a friend of mine from my parents...friend of the family actually, one I've known forever. Got told that she was sitting around in her pajamas on a Saturday night doing nothing. I know that I do the same thing every once in a while but I know she does it way more than that. Not that there's anything worng with bumming every so often but when it bores a person and that person reaches out for help it sucks when you get no response when youdo try to help. We talk every once in a while, not anywhere near as often as we used to. She has abf, and since they've gotten together she has made herself pretty scarce. I understand that she enjoys spending time with him, I've done the same thing in a past relationship of mine. I basically lost all contact with my own circle of friends, giving them up to be with him. Now I see her doing the same thing and it pains me to hear her when she claime she has no friends anymore. I hope that she knows that I'm nothing but a mere phone call away. I try to get her to go out, to make plans with people other than her bf and all his friends, but she declines every time I ask. Oh well, she knows deep down what's right for her I guess. I think everyone knows what is right or wrong for them. It's kind of like a sixth sense.
Monday, January 31, 2005
Thursday, January 27, 2005
Not so much in a blog type of mood, I'm actually shocked that people really read this thing. Read the news this morning...guy presumed dead after being hit by a car in North Carolina was found breathing in the medical examiner's office. I'm sure the people there are feeling safe and secure knowing that their emergency service people are qualified to do their jobs. I know I would. My office is sooooo frigid in the winter, thinking of buying a space heater so I don't get hypothermia. I could just bring in a sweater, but that would be too easy.
Kinda missing the friends lately...I think I've just been in hibernation mode this winter. Supposed to go out tomorrow night with the girlies, should be fun but I just found out I have to work on Saturday...I could use the $$ but I hadn't planned on them calling me in.
Winter sucks, it's too cold to do anything and it makes me uber lazy...on a cold weekend I can think of nothing lazier to do than stay home and curl up in bed with a book. Should get back to the gym eventually since I've been feeling pretty sluggish, with all the snow lately and my stupid late hours it's tough to get there. Snow...that's another thing that sucks. My car is absolutely disgusting from all the salt and crap this week. I almost don't want to touch the handles so I can open the door and get in, that's how gross it is. Other than cold and snow and snow and cold there's not really much going on...forgot, sister got a new car. Not really a new car, but a better one than her old one. I think it sucks, she doesn't really deserve it. She's totally the black sheep of the fam, you know, the bad one. She's unmotivated, sloppy, selfish and spoiled. What I really don't understand is why the 'rents keep letting her get away with everything she does. Not to sound whiney or anything but if I ever tried to pull any of the stuff she has, they'd have my head served to me on a silver platter. She can go to jail, do drugs, run over bushes with her car in front of her house, get into fist fights with the 'rents, and that's ok...let's give her a car. Granted the car wasn't given to her, it's my granmother's old car and she paid for it, but she doesn't show enough respect or responsibility to deserve it. Oh well, that's the way life works soemtimes, right?
Yeah...done blogging now...still think blog is a funny word.
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Just dropping in for a quickie(tee-hee). I hate the cold!!! It's so much not fun. Really wanted to finish that post from the other day...not enough time as usual. I've got about 1000 accounts to type up!!! Yay, carpal tunnel syndrome is on the horizon...I can almost see it. Anyway...thought for the day, I think there's a c-o-n-spiracy going on. I've recently been thinking about the way that dating goes and the whole "relationship" thing. I think that men have an encyclopedia of everything they would ever need to say at any given point in time. Ya know, things to say to a chick to make her like him just so he can get her in the sack. Judging from all the cheesy pickup lines and just the garbage that I've heard coming out of guys mouths lately, I'm totally convinced that there's some weird first edition guide that every person with a penis has to read before they reach time when they are of age to begin dating. Or maybe they just pull the lines from movies. Obviously they don't think up those things on their own.
Monday, January 17, 2005
Well, another year is gone. Have I not been here in that long? Guess so. That's understandable though, many things are changing in my life, and letting people actually read this stupid thing may be one of them...Like, my thoughts are mine and if someone's that curious they should ask. However, blogging does have it's perks. It is a good tool for venting when you just don't want to deal with people. KK, enough of that.
Had a pretty good weekend. Went out for a bit on Friday. Place was uber packed, not really my bag lately so wasn't all that excited. Not my choice but I dealt with it and it wasn't so bad. Didn't stay out so late either which I really didn't mind. Went to see a band on Saturday which was pretty cool. Hung out with some people that I normally wouldn't. Not that I wouldn't hang with them, just that I haven't really before. Anyways, had a really good time...they're cool people. It's a nice change of pace hanging out with people that you don't usually associate with that often. Different conversation, different points of view, just about different everything.
Had a long talk with a buddy that night too. Reality check. Well, not so much of a reality check since most of what was said I had already known. It's different hearing someone else say it though, it makes it a little more real. Still, people see things the way they want to see them. People view others in their own light along with the actions those others take. And people are going to do what they want to do even if the consequences might suck. We got into the "nice guy" fun fun....made it a point to list some potential "nice guys". I have to agree that some mentioned would fit the suit, but the suit still wouldn't be perfect in my eyes. It all comes down to individual expectations and standards. A person that might be the perfect gemtleman or the ultimate nice guy might not fit the bill of someone I'd be willing to date. It happens, not saying that I have an exact mold of someone I would date, however certain factors do come into play when making a decision like that. Physical attraction is be quite honest, if there's no spark in that department then it's shot to shit from the beginning. I'm not saying that a Vin Diesel look alike is necesary, everyone has their own tastes and has their likes and dislikes, but no matter what anyone says, this is something that matters. Another thing is conversation. If I have nothing to say to someone and that someone has nothing to say to me, then it's not going to work out. It could be anything...watching the same cartoons when you were a you got the scar on your arm...what music you listened to in high school....anything. That is one of the things that makes a good relationship work. Not only a romantic or serious relationship though, that goes for a friendship too. Someone who you go out with a number of times and runout of things to say is someone that isn't going to cut it. On the other hand, someone who makes you pee your pants laughing and you never have a dull moment with is someone you should try to have stick around. Look at me, I'm writing like an advice columnist. OK, there is so much more to this blog and just not enough time right now to finish it....Until tomorrow....