Not so much in a blog type of mood, I'm actually shocked that people really read this thing. Read the news this morning...guy presumed dead after being hit by a car in North Carolina was found breathing in the medical examiner's office. I'm sure the people there are feeling safe and secure knowing that their emergency service people are qualified to do their jobs. I know I would. My office is sooooo frigid in the winter, thinking of buying a space heater so I don't get hypothermia. I could just bring in a sweater, but that would be too easy.
Kinda missing the friends lately...I think I've just been in hibernation mode this winter. Supposed to go out tomorrow night with the girlies, should be fun but I just found out I have to work on Saturday...I could use the $$ but I hadn't planned on them calling me in.
Winter sucks, it's too cold to do anything and it makes me uber lazy...on a cold weekend I can think of nothing lazier to do than stay home and curl up in bed with a book. Should get back to the gym eventually since I've been feeling pretty sluggish, with all the snow lately and my stupid late hours it's tough to get there. Snow...that's another thing that sucks. My car is absolutely disgusting from all the salt and crap this week. I almost don't want to touch the handles so I can open the door and get in, that's how gross it is. Other than cold and snow and snow and cold there's not really much going on...forgot, sister got a new car. Not really a new car, but a better one than her old one. I think it sucks, she doesn't really deserve it. She's totally the black sheep of the fam, you know, the bad one. She's unmotivated, sloppy, selfish and spoiled. What I really don't understand is why the 'rents keep letting her get away with everything she does. Not to sound whiney or anything but if I ever tried to pull any of the stuff she has, they'd have my head served to me on a silver platter. She can go to jail, do drugs, run over bushes with her car in front of her house, get into fist fights with the 'rents, and that's ok...let's give her a car. Granted the car wasn't given to her, it's my granmother's old car and she paid for it, but she doesn't show enough respect or responsibility to deserve it. Oh well, that's the way life works soemtimes, right?
Yeah...done blogging now...still think blog is a funny word.
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