Stopping in for a short blog. Had a pretty good weekend, nothing uber eventful as per usual, but all in all still a good weekend. Went out with the girlies on Friday after a sucky day at work. First two place we went were the suck, third place was better. band stunk a little but we still had fun. Saturday was quiet, I had work and stayed out on Friday a little later than expected so I was sleepy for most of the day. Had dinner for grandfather's b-day, it was good to see the family for a bit. Sunday was a day of sleeping and laundry...then on to game night. I've come to enjoy spending time with new people once in a while, there's always room for more friends. I usually don't get a long well with persons of the female persuasion, but these girls are a lot of fun to hang out with. One of them I think I relate a lot to, I've spoken to her at length and we seem to have a lot of the same values and views on certain things regarding people we know and the way that things go within our group of aquaintences. She's pretty rockin'.
Anyway, heard about a friend of mine from my parents...friend of the family actually, one I've known forever. Got told that she was sitting around in her pajamas on a Saturday night doing nothing. I know that I do the same thing every once in a while but I know she does it way more than that. Not that there's anything worng with bumming every so often but when it bores a person and that person reaches out for help it sucks when you get no response when youdo try to help. We talk every once in a while, not anywhere near as often as we used to. She has abf, and since they've gotten together she has made herself pretty scarce. I understand that she enjoys spending time with him, I've done the same thing in a past relationship of mine. I basically lost all contact with my own circle of friends, giving them up to be with him. Now I see her doing the same thing and it pains me to hear her when she claime she has no friends anymore. I hope that she knows that I'm nothing but a mere phone call away. I try to get her to go out, to make plans with people other than her bf and all his friends, but she declines every time I ask. Oh well, she knows deep down what's right for her I guess. I think everyone knows what is right or wrong for them. It's kind of like a sixth sense.
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