Ok, so I'll pick up where I last left off. Yes, sis looked like a chipmunk when I got home. Dinner was good, but was disappointed when plans didn't go all the way through. But whatever, sh*t happens and I'm over it. Saw House of Wax on thurs with the pooka girl. That was pretty gross. Not that the movie was uber scary or anything, just really gory and full of blood and sick stuffages. Made last minute travel reservations and then spent the night in on Friday, which was a shock to the 'rents I guess. They kept asking what I was still doing home if I didn't have work the next day. So they went to bed and I watched movies until 4 a.m. Good stuff. Helped my friend move on Saturday. Her new place is only about 3 miles from the old one so it wasn't all that bad. We packed up the kitchen in about an hour, and then went to the new place and cleaned, unpacked the kitchen and then grabbed some coffee from the local gourmet shoppe. It's so cute where she lives but I don't think I could do it. It's all homey and antique-like but just not busy enough or populated enough for my taste. To each his own. Saturday night weny out with a friend that I haven't hung out with in a while. It was good, went to the monk, same old same old. Sunday went to my grandparents house for the whole annual family bbq thing. Nothing uber spectacular aside from my uncle and cousin that I haven't seen in a while being there. Started to rain a little so we put up this tent that we've got...then it stopped....useless. Pop is pretty sick and not looking so great, so that was a real downer for the day. Got a call from mb, asked me to come over and play cards w/ him, mgb and mc. He's a silly boy, got all conccerned and stuff when I looked not so happy. How cute, he's a great buddy. Anyway, I was unsure about going at first, there were just certain things I didn't feel much in the mood to deal with, but I went anyway. Wasn't about to let stupid immature crap stop me from spending time with my friends. It's so not worth making a big deal about. So we played spades. TV lost again, but we gave those boys a real run for the win. We're getting better each time and eventually we're going to kick some major ass. Had a gab session with mgb after the game. Good stuff again. I so enjoy talking with that chick! I think between the two of us, we just both have things going on the we vent to eachother about. We both have a lot of things in common when it comes to all we discuss, and it's just good to hear someone else's opinion on stuff. Makes you realize you're not crazy! lol Guess we just give eachother a lot of insight to eachoteher's situations. So, after mc left, me mgb & mb went to the bar, had some fabulous sangria that I knew would make me sleepy and then went home. Monday came, I had the day off and basically did nothing. Was supposed to go to another bbq, but plans didn't work out. Also made tentative plans to go to the movies, but that didn't work out wither, the pooka wasn't feeling so well. Did some reading, went to the grandparent's to help clean up, ran a few errands and watched Hell's Kitchen. I'm not into reality shows, but I thought it was pretty good. That chef guy was sooo mean to the finalists, put them all down, made them cook all of their entrees over, called them these horrible names. I so would have cried right on the spot if that was me! So that was the weekend, fun fun fun, now it's back to work. Yuck.
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
mmm, felling a little sick today. Lil sis got the wisdom teeth pulled too. The momma says she looks like she's got oranges in her mouth. Should prove good for some blackmail photos! tee hee...I wouldn't really do that. Speaking of photos, I have to go pick some up today. I've got about 30 rolls of film at home from various occasions over the past few years that I never got around to developing. I figure I'll bring in 4 or 5 at a time and see what develops...corny, I know. I try. Think I might help a friend move this weekend, should prove to be interesting. And dinner tonight, looking forward to it. Other than that, same old same old.
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Blah today, coffee last night was good. Want to go home. Found fun stuff though! Tee Hee!!!!!

Yay for icons, I luv them!
Monday, May 23, 2005
Crappy ass weekend. Home on friday, out on saturday, sleep on sunday. Saturday was ok, went out with one of my girlies and her bf....feelin' old :( We weny out to celebrate the 21st bday of a girl we've known since she was in diapers. Plus my sis is 21 today too. Anyway, jager-bombs are uber dangerous and the cindo should not be allowed to have a phone anywhere that jager is also present. Made a boo-boo, think I made an ass of myself and I'm a little embarassed about it, but hey, I needed to vent and if I needed a little propulsion in the form of alcohol, then so be it.
Thougt I was just going to let it go as usual, but texting seemed like a really good idea when I was under the influence. That's what happens when a confrontation is blatantly and heartlessely ignored. I tried to resolve it beforehand and was ignored....blown off yet again...what a shock! Oh well. I'm done. So, realization for the weekend, the only thing worse than a liar is a liar that is also a friend, and that makes me sad.
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Not much to write about today, just kind of blah. Going bowling tonight, should be fun....I haven't been in such a long time. Yay, live music, beer and throwing stuff....sounds like my kind of night. Nah nah!!! Who lives in a pineapple under the sea!!
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Woosaaa....just re-read yesterday's post, I so got into bitch mode. What's wrong with me? Everything lately seems to be at a standstill. I've got so much going on in just about every area of my life that I really don't know where I should focus my attention first. Guess I went off on a little ranting tangent. Think it's time to go away for a few days.
Monday, May 16, 2005
Sad weekend, My buddy's grandmother passed away on Thursday, I had only met her a few times but she was a very sweet woman. The wake was on Saturday. Went there with mc, spent the day with mb and mgb. I felt a little awkward since I hadn't met a majority of his family before, but I was glad we went and there were people there for him. You need as much support as you can get at a time like that, I know I appreciated the company when my grams passed away. I didn't think mc and I would spend as much time there as we did, but it's all ok. The four of us basically stayed in a separate room and talked. We were invited to dinner with his family, came back for the second half, talked a lot to mgb and we all rode home together. What really bothered me though was mbs, she showed up late and then proceeded to argue about a toaster oven. So unnecessary to do at a wake. mbs is a lot like my sister and I think she just might crave the attention.
Yesterday did some yard-sale stuff with the momma, did some stuff around the house and then went to mb's. Watched elf which is just so hysterical, then played spades. TV so got rocked last night but we weren't sore losers, had fun and that's all that matters.
So now I'm at work and that's a whole other story in itself. The new company isn't going to lease our builidng so now I have to wait and see if they offer me a position in Blauvelt. Not so much of a fun drive but we'll see what they offer me. If that falls through I can collect for a little, while I look elsewhere or there may be a position with the company my former om works for. Wait wait wait, i am so not fond of waiting.
I pretty much have a lot on my mind lately regarding a few different situations. I spent Friday night with my chick-e and we talked a lot about everything going on in each of our lives, we put a lot of perspective into eachother's situations. She's having some problems of her own that mine don't even compare to, but she's been my sanity as of late. I don't know what I'd do without that chick. I realized that I need to do a lot more writing. Whether I like it or not, that is how I get everything I'm thinking out. I'm not so great at conversation because I get sidetracked by the answers that I fail to anticipate. If writing everything down is what I have to do to get everything off my chest then so be it. It my sound kind of stupid but if I don't everything's just going to stay in my head and never be fully expressed the way it should be. I've tried winging it but it never works. To often I end up in manipulated conversations which I normally get discouraged by and I'm really starting to get tired of. Uh-oh, here comes the griping....ok, avoidance, in one simple word, is my gripe of the day (or should I say the past few weeks). Seriously, do people just ignore things and expect that they will just go away? That the other party will just forget and let their thoughts fall to the wayside? Is that how it really works? Put it off and put it off and put it off and all shall be forgotten? It seems a lot of that is going around and that's sad. Not this time. F'ing own up to sh*t and don't pretend that problems doesn't exist. They do and they're not going to go away by being ignored or blown off. Don't expect others to go along with your schedule all the time, because one day you'll wake up and it'll be way too late to turn back and try to make things go your way again. OK I think I'm done now...."You don't smell like Santa, you stink, you smell like beef and cheese."
Monday, May 09, 2005
Late post today, work is almost over YAY!!! Today was the first day w/o my om, kind of sad and a little weird. Actually it's eerily quiet today. I miss that Bob already. Anyway, weekend was pretty good. Had my cousin's sweet16 on friday, lol she's got a bunch of little band geek friends that were so cute! Dj wasn't as bad as I expected, and the kids were all up dancing and having a really great time. Tear jerker came at the candles, dedication to my grams. Miss he so much, but that's life.
Saturday I thought I was going to sit home and veg out, I had been reading for a majority of the day. Got an invite to the local spot and decided I'd go for a little while. A little while ended up being a trip to the watering hole in Bk which was uber fun. Went with my bud an his gf. Luv that chick!! She's a really great person talk to, and I have so much fun when I see her. And I missed my buddy :( He had to go out and get a job! j/k Glad that things are working out for him in that dept.
Momma's day was the usual, went to Nan's house for dinner, my cuz is in from the Navy. So good to see him, it's been a few months. Went home and went to bed...The End.
Sunday, May 01, 2005
LOL, so this is how it works?? I speak of baby h.s. sh*t, lies games.....and all of a sudden I'm bobmarded for the weekend with it? That's just great. I've come to the conclusion that some people are just really really good at telling people what they want to hear. ** Note: that was a completely general comment, take it as you will** Why lie?? Why say something you don't really mean?? Why say something that contradicts what you've said in the past?? Why try to debate your way out of any sort of blame/responsiility for a situation and stick it all on another person?? Another crappy weekend down the drain....the question is, what am I going to do about it?