Monday, May 16, 2005

Sad weekend, My buddy's grandmother passed away on Thursday, I had only met her a few times but she was a very sweet woman. The wake was on Saturday. Went there with mc, spent the day with mb and mgb. I felt a little awkward since I hadn't met a majority of his family before, but I was glad we went and there were people there for him. You need as much support as you can get at a time like that, I know I appreciated the company when my grams passed away. I didn't think mc and I would spend as much time there as we did, but it's all ok. The four of us basically stayed in a separate room and talked. We were invited to dinner with his family, came back for the second half, talked a lot to mgb and we all rode home together. What really bothered me though was mbs, she showed up late and then proceeded to argue about a toaster oven. So unnecessary to do at a wake. mbs is a lot like my sister and I think she just might crave the attention.

Yesterday did some yard-sale stuff with the momma, did some stuff around the house and then went to mb's. Watched elf which is just so hysterical, then played spades. TV so got rocked last night but we weren't sore losers, had fun and that's all that matters.

So now I'm at work and that's a whole other story in itself. The new company isn't going to lease our builidng so now I have to wait and see if they offer me a position in Blauvelt. Not so much of a fun drive but we'll see what they offer me. If that falls through I can collect for a little, while I look elsewhere or there may be a position with the company my former om works for. Wait wait wait, i am so not fond of waiting.

I pretty much have a lot on my mind lately regarding a few different situations. I spent Friday night with my chick-e and we talked a lot about everything going on in each of our lives, we put a lot of perspective into eachother's situations. She's having some problems of her own that mine don't even compare to, but she's been my sanity as of late. I don't know what I'd do without that chick. I realized that I need to do a lot more writing. Whether I like it or not, that is how I get everything I'm thinking out. I'm not so great at conversation because I get sidetracked by the answers that I fail to anticipate. If writing everything down is what I have to do to get everything off my chest then so be it. It my sound kind of stupid but if I don't everything's just going to stay in my head and never be fully expressed the way it should be. I've tried winging it but it never works. To often I end up in manipulated conversations which I normally get discouraged by and I'm really starting to get tired of. Uh-oh, here comes the griping....ok, avoidance, in one simple word, is my gripe of the day (or should I say the past few weeks). Seriously, do people just ignore things and expect that they will just go away? That the other party will just forget and let their thoughts fall to the wayside? Is that how it really works? Put it off and put it off and put it off and all shall be forgotten? It seems a lot of that is going around and that's sad. Not this time. F'ing own up to sh*t and don't pretend that problems doesn't exist. They do and they're not going to go away by being ignored or blown off. Don't expect others to go along with your schedule all the time, because one day you'll wake up and it'll be way too late to turn back and try to make things go your way again. OK I think I'm done now...."You don't smell like Santa, you stink, you smell like beef and cheese."


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