One attached to another by affection or esteem, a favored companion, one that is not hostile, a person you know well and regard with affection and trust. These are just a few definitions of what a friend is. Just decided to look it up. I have a freind that was kind of scummed over during the weekend. This person's "friends" were asked to do something, something very simple and failed to do it. The something they were asked to do was very important to this person, as it would be to anyone asking the same thing, yet the ones asked for the favor, the ones my friend trusts and confides in, spends time with and even loves in one way or another, couldn't come through. I just don't understand how people can be so inconsiderate and uncaring. How some people can just disregard another's feelings withough thinking twice. I wish people would just sit back once in a while and imagine what it would be like to walk in someone else's shoes. To imagine what it would be like to live someone else's life, look like someone else, deal with someone else's family, think like a different person, not have as much money, there are so many things that people overlook, that they don't see how lucky they really are, or how conceited and selfish they can be sometimes.
All in all it was a good weekend. Stayed in Friday, didn't feel like going anywhere. Saturday went into the city with a bunch of people for my girl's birthday. Had a lot of fun, made an ass out of myself (fell again) then went for coffe/tea with another friend since I didn't feel like going home yet. Sunday was a "stay in bed the whole day" day. I enjoyed every second of it and desperately needed it. I really should have tried to get some more shopping done, but it gave me time to think about things and just rest up.
Ok starting to get a little pissy now...there's this guy in my office that feels he has free reign of every phone in the company! He's been sitting in my office making personal phone calls for about half an hour!! He's really obnoxious and annoying, wish he'd just go away! Did you ever hear one of those voices that just pierces your ears and sends chills down your spine? Well that's this guy, nevermind the fact that he slobbers all over the place to the point that I have to use alcohol pads and lysol on my own damn phone!! ok, back to work...I'm leaving until he gets the hell out of my office!!
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