Friday, December 03, 2004

Back to the "guys are the suck" days. I just don't understand them one bit! "Mr. J" dumped my ass last night and was too coward to even come up with a valid reason, nevermind the fact that he was too chicken to even do it in person!! I got almost every line in the book that got him out of telling the truth. Honestly why can't people just be honest instead of giving bullshit answers. Here, we'll go down a partial list....1) You're a sweet girl and I don't want to hurt you....please! Anticipation of something going wrong is not a reason for ending a "realtionship" (if that's even what it was)!! I actually feel pity for people who use this one. It makes me think that they have self- esteem issues and that's sad. Get over it already because you're never going to know what could happen unless you test the waters, aside from the fact that everyone has "relationship" problems. I don't care who you are or what you think, no situation is ever perfect, everyone has problems, so deal with it! 2)It's not you, it's me....duh, obviously considering I wasn't the one with the problem, my only problem was being nieve and thinking things were fine, could've fooled me! 3)I don't want to waste your time...hello!!! Too late for that, not that a month is a long time to be wasted, but there were opportunities that I so could have jumped on, but I didn't because of the feelings I had for this immature, secretive, commitment-phobe. Not for nothing, he wasn't for me anyway. We're two very different people with seperate views. I guess I knew we were'nt really comapitble but stuck with it for the sake of dating someone. "Mr. J" was too into himself, and often came out with things that were very selfish. He had unrealistic expectations and delusions of gradeur. He also seemed like he wanted me to change certain things about myself to fit a "mold" of what he wanted a girlfriend to be. That is so not my bag! Get over it...I am who I am and I'm not going to change for anyone. I like who I am, I love my personality, my looks, my views, and anyone that thinks I should change for them isn't good enough for me anyway. I would say I'm better off lonely and miserable than with someone who wants me to change, but I'm not lonely and miserable...that's the great part, the realization that I don't need someone to make me happy. I can be happy all on my own. Granted, it's nice to have someone to share things with and spend time with, someone to like/love...whatever...but it's not a necessity. K, think I'm done ranting for now...time to get to work!


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