Saturday, November 27, 2004

Gobble Gobble...Turkey day was kind of weird this year without Grams. Instead, this year her seat next to me was filled by my cousin who's in from the Navy for a few days. It was pretty strange to see him since it's been a few years since we've even spoken to eachother. Oh well, he's here and he's safe...that's all that matters, right? Not much to report on the "Mr. J" front. It's the normal dating stuff I guess. He met one of my bestest friends the other night though. First one out of all of them to meet him. Still haven't got much input on what he thinks of "Mr. J" since the place we went to was pretty busy and there wasn't much convo between them. Speak of the devil! Telephone calls. Ya know, he can be a real sweetie when he wants to be. I shouldn't say that b/c I think it just comes naturally to him. I don't even know where to begin explaining our "relationship". And I don't even think I can yet anyway. It's all too new and confusing right now. Guess I'll leave it as I like him a lot, and there are probably a lot of things left to like that I just don't know about yet. I just have to let time do it's thing. Hope it's that way anyway.


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