Thursday, December 30, 2004

Don't really have much to blog about lately...just the same old stuff in the same old life...same problems that have no solutions, same confusions, same excuses. Same same same...hoping that the new year will bring new things, better things, or at least a small change of pace. That's what I think is triggering my slump lately. I'm just bored. Bored in general, tired of doing the same things, making the same decisions, having the same conversations over and over again. It's all very mundane and repetative. Day in and day out I go to work, come home watch a little tv then go to bed. Weekends? Hey, I might go out one night over the weekend now, but only because I got bored with going to bars & clubs, meeting drunk retards and spending way too much money. Bored bored bored. Even new year's one made plans, and I wasn't about to. Tried the party thing, but getting answers like "I'll stop by" and "I might show up" don't cut it when you've got to buy food and alcohol. Why waste the time and money to have nobody show? Not a big loss though, home really isn't all that bad and there's alcohol here. Yay!!

Christmas was pretty good this year. Spent the day with the family, that was a little weird though. My grandmother used to sleep at my house x-mas eve and open gifts with us on x-mas morning. It was so different with her not being here, uber sad. Anyway, we ate dinner any everything, fam left pretty early. Called up a good friend of mine and met up with him and a few others at the diner for what I thought was going to be for about an hour. That hour ended up being a quick cup of tea, a movie and then off to the bar. Had a lot of fun that I wasn't expecting to have. I drove the friend's gf to the bar and he went in another car. I actually have a really cool time hanging out with her. She's cool to talk to, it's actually quite refreshing having another chick to hang out with since females are very limited in the group. Too bad I don't see her that often.

Work actually hasn't been so bad. Boss has the flu!! I don't mean to be happy about it, but hey, it means less work for me. And it kind of gives me time to rest up for next week. OM is going to be on vacation for like 11 days...that means all his shit gets dumped on me!! How great it that?!?!?!?! Wow, I guess I did have to blog!! There's a lot more I could find to write about...think I'll skip it though. This chair sucks and my ass is staring to hurt. Time to go. Happy f'in new year.


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