Thursday, February 17, 2005

Today is not the day. You know when you just start off the day badly. Boss is in uber cranky mode and it's a whole lot of not fun. He has this thing where he takes something that would normally be very simple and making it out to be the most difficult thing in the world. He seems to not know how to explaing something in the simplest manner possible. So confusing!!

Getting excited about the trip, I just can't wait to get out of here and away from all the bs going on. Fam is going nutso lately b/c of the whole aunt in ca thing, she's still up to her old tricks and doesn't show any signs of letting up. She's now looking to have my dad pay her out of state tax for the house! Karma Karma, she'll get hers eventually. Nevermind the fact that we get a phone call every morning from my other aunt, and she and mom complain about the psycho for hours on end. I don't know how much more of it I want to listen to.

Weekend was pretty good, nothing too eventful though. Friday just hung out and watched some tv, watched the boys play a game. I actually found it really interesting, though there is much more to it than I could gather in one night. Went to see a bon jovi cover band on Saturday, they were the suck. The place was nice, but so not worth driving an hour for. I can hop over the bridge to bk and see better bands.

Time to get to work :(
Anyway, had a good time with the girls on our pre "we hate v-day" bash. We talked a lot and


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